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Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma

Rivertown Med Spa rejuvenate your body

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is concentrated from your own blood which contains healing factors, such as white blood cells and bioactive proteins, called growth factors and stem cell markers. These cells are vital for tissue regeneration and repair.

Platelets, once thought of being responsible only for clotting, have been scientifically proven to be a reservoir of these vital healing components. With advanced techniques we are able to concentrate these regenerative healing cells in a simple outpatient setting.

  • Minimally invasive
  • Minimal to no down time
  • Speeds up and promotes healing
  • Natural and organic, autologous from your own body
  • Used for Joint rejuvenation (hip, knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder), skin rejuvenation(PRP facial), hair loss treatment.



Are you suffering from joint pain that impedes your daily life? If climbing stairs or even just putting groceries away has become a painful chore, you may be a very good candidate for PRP therapy. Many times doing repetitive motions, like golfing, tennis, walking, exercising or just using your laptop every day can bring on the type of pain that PRP can improve without surgery.




PRP standing for Platelet-Rich Plasma. It’s a complex composition of cellular components that can be used to enhance healing and repair many medical conditions such as degenerative arthritis, or for aesthetic reasons used after Microneedling. It improves skins appearance and can make skin appear years younger! It is also used for male and female hair loss in combination with Fotona’s laser scalp heat treatment. PRP is a biologic, and the cornerstone of regenerative therapies used in modern medicine. Because it comes from your own blood, there are little to no side effects.




Recent scientific studies show proof that when PRP platelet counts of 1,000,000 per microliter are injected into injured areas of the body, soft tissue and bone healing is enhanced. This translates to a minimum of 1 billion platelets per milliliter. Therefore, a 5ml treatment sample of PRP should contain at least 5 billion deliverable platelets from a small amount of the patients’ blood.




A small syringe of your blood will be drawn from your vein and then centrifuged in a sterile container. The difference in the amount of platelets depends on the quality of both the centrifuge used and the kit. Rest assured that Rivertown Med Spa has the most advanced and FDA-cleared technology to achieve outstanding results. 


This vial of blood is then spun twice to separate the whole blood sample into “layers” of platelet-rich plasma. The PRP layer is aspirated from the red blood cells and is injected or applied, under sterile conditions, into the localized area of abnormality.


No general anesthesia is needed; you will be given localized injections prior to the PRP being injected. If used for aesthetic purposes, a numbing cream will be applied to your skin half an hour prior. 




Initially, some pain and swelling may occur at the injection site. You can apply ice and elevate the area as needed. Most patients are able to return to normal activities with NO DOWN TIME.




The healing process takes 4 to 6 weeks to signal stem cells and regenerative cells to repair and rebuild the damaged tissue. In many cases, we’ve seen results in as little as a weeks’ time. Patients can expect to see significant improvement in symptoms , and most report a gradual improvement I what used to be painful movements. Two to three treatments may be necessary, but some patients report immediate improvement with only one treatment! 

Call us for more information and to book a complimentary consultation with our board-certified doctor to see if you’re a candidate for PRP at 914.810.4729. We look forward to helping you heal!

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